Say ‘Yes!’ to the dress with the Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Official Walkthrough. Angela is ready to take on New York bridal fashion, but if she’s not careful, a wedding fiesta could turn into a wedding fiasco! This is the official strategy guide and contains tips and tricks for every level, how to unlock every achievement, and where to find every hidden mouse. Click one of the topics below to get started!
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster General Tips & Tricks
Get started by learning all there is to know about Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition! Learn how to play, how scoring works, and additional tips and tricks to help you along the way.
How to Play
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster is a time management game. The goal is to serve as many customers as possible and have as many happy customers as possible by the end of the day. The happier your customers are, the higher you score will be! Click on a product to bring it to a customer, then check them out at the register once they’re ready to pay.
Scoring and Customer Happiness
The happier your customers are, the higher the scores they’ll give! A customer with a heart is ecstatic and will give the highest scores. Angry customers risk leaving the store being paying! Scores are determined by customer happiness. Additional points will be rewarded for achieving combos or bonuses:
- Checkout Combos – Check out multiple customers at the register at once.
- Cleaning Combos – Clean multiple stations back-to-back.
- Smart Combos – Give multiple customers all the items they ask for in a single trip, back-to-back.
- Full Order Bonus – Bring all the items a customer asks for in a single trip.
- Quick Bonus – Deliver all the products a customer asks for within a handful of seconds of them ordering.
- Minigame Quick Bonus – Complete a minigame within a few seconds of it starting.
- Spotless Bonus – Have all stations clean at the end of the level.
Mice Locations
Carl the mouse returns and is hidden in each of the game’s 84 story and bonus levels. If you can find him, you’ll earn bonus points and can even unlock a special trophy! Click on “View Mouse Location” under a level in the guide below or visit the Mouse Locations section to view all the locations mice will appear.
Endless Levels
Endless levels are special challenges you can play every day for extra bonuses and rewards. Located at the bottom of the level select map, selecting an endless level will randomly generate a special challenge for you to complete. Play daily for new levels and bonuses!
You can purchase upgrades in a chapter store by using coins you’ve earned from completing levels. Upgrades can improve Angela’s performance, customer patience, bonus tips, and more! Upgrades can be purchased at the start of any level and will be permanently applied once purchased. Upgrades are limited to chapter locations.
Additional Tips and Tricks
- Diamonds are a girl’s best friend – Earn diamonds by completing story challenges and bonus levels. Diamonds can used to purchase clothing and accessories for your model. Access the bonus dress-up game by clicking the dress icon in the upper right corner of the level select screen.
- The fun is endless – Access new endless levels generated every day by clicking the level icon at the bottom of the level select screen. Compete against your friends for the high score and earn special bonuses!
- Keep it clean – Clean up all the stations of a level before it ends to earn an extra bonus at the end of the day.
- Now in stock – Restock items at the start of your shift to get ahead for the day!
- Earning that bonus – Earn score bonuses by completing tasks and achieving combos. For a complete list of combos, refer to General Tips & Tricks – Scoring and Customer Happiness above.
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition Walkthrough
Welcome to the Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Official Walkthrough! This is the complete official guide containing all levels, trophies, mice, and more! Get started by choosing a topic from the list of Contents above or keep scrolling to dive right in.
Chapter 1 – Sebastian’s Store “Worth’s”
Level 1 – Home, Sweet Home
Let Angela draw out designs in her notebook to impress Sebastian!
Each level has a bonus challenge for you to complete. Today’s bonus challenge is to sketch designs in Angela’s notebook. Her notebook is located on the bottom right, next to the fragrance bottle. Click on the notebook when the “!” bubble appears and before the green color drains from the bubble. Repeat this a total of 4 times to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 1
Level 2 – A Sweet Responsibility
Why would Fran visit the wedding store? Text him to find out!
Today’s bonus challenge is to text Fran. Angela’s phone is beneath the checkout monitor on the right. Click on the phone when it vibrates and the “!” bubble appears, and before the green color drains. Repeat this a total of 5 times to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 2
Level 3 – The Fabulous Four
Sebastian has a new design to sell. Finish it!
Finish Sebastian’s dress! The dress is on a mannequin to the left of the stairs. Click on the dress to start working on it. Once clicked, a percentage bar will appear displaying your progress. Complete the dress before the end of the day to earn a diamond.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 3
Level 4 – Caroline
Play it smart by delivering products to multiple customers in a row!
Be efficient today by delivering multiple orders in a row. The best trick to use today is to wait for two customers to order, then pick up both of their orders. Serve these customers back-to-back. Repeat the process a total of 4 times to complete the bonus challenge.
Level 5 – Welcoming Committee
Sebastian is checking in on Angela. Make sure he’s impressed!
Serve Sebastian! Bring Sebastian the items he asks for before the green color drains from the order bubble. Bring Sebastian all four of his orders on time to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 5
Level 6 – What You Think Is Best
Show you can keep the store spotless by cleaning very fast!
Keep the place spotless! Today’s challenge is to clean ten stations before the end of your shift. To fulfill this challenge, you will need to click on a dirty station before the green color drains from the “!” bubble that appears. Clean ten stations before the color drains to earn a diamond for spotless.
Level 7 – Sparks
Sebastian has a very special customer today. Advise her!
There’s a VIP in the shop today. The woman in white will need Angela’s devout attention. Click on her when the “!” bubble appears and before the green color drains to attend to her needs. Tend to the woman eight time today to earn a diamond for your high-class service.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 7
Level 8 – The Guitar
Play as fabulously as you can by only serving full orders!
Only serve full orders today. That means you’ll need to bring all the items a customer asks for in a single trip. Take your time as necessary, only serving customers back-to-back as space on your tray allows. Remember: Full orders only!
Level 9 – Not Selling Daydreams
Make sure you keep all your dresses in stock throughout the level!
Keep all your dresses in stock today. The white dresses are located on either side of the dressing booth. A small number on the dress hip will display how many dresses are in stock. Sew new dresses as necessary using the sewing machine on the upper left. Never let the stock reach zero, and you’ll earn a diamond at the end of the day.
Tip! Running low on stock? Wait on serving customers asking for a dress until you’ve sewn more.
Level 10 – Burning Down The House
Clear out the family of mice that has infested Sebastian’s store!
Mice have infested the store! Click on the mice as they appear. If you can find nineteen mice before the end of your shift, you’ll earn a diamond. Look at the screenshot pictured below to see hidden mice locations.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 10
Chapter 2 – Rural Store “Farmhearts”
Level 11 – Death by Heartbreak
It really does look like a barn… Let’s clean up a little!
It looks like an animal lives here! Clean up the four dirty spots before the end of your shift. Once clicked, a meter will display your cleaning progress. The screenshot below shows the dirt locations. Make the barn shine like a diamond at the end of the day and you’ll earn a diamond to show for it.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 11
Level 12 – Superstitions
Let’s take Eva’s measurements first!
Eva will hang around the bottom left corner of the shop today. Every time a “!” bubble appears over her head, click on it before the color drains to take her measurements. Measure Eva five times before the end of your shift to complete today’s bonus challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 12
Level 13 – Red Rose
As Virginia’s trusted friend, she probably won’t mind if Angela listens in on her…
Angela is quite the eavesdropper. Listen in on Virginia five times today. Virginia will be in the lower left corner. Click on her and her beau when the “!” bubble appears to listen in!

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 13
Level 14 – Ever the Professional
Let Angela draw out designs in her notebook to show to Eva!
Draw out five designs in Angela’s notebook to complete today’s bonus challenge. Angela’s notebook is underneath the checkout counter, between the high heels and the boots. Click on the notebook before the “!” bubble disappears to sketch out a design.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 14
Level 15 – Look Your Best
Let’s get started on Eva’s dress!
Work on Eva’s dress today! Click on the fabric hanging over the left banister to begin work on the dress. A meter will appear displaying your progress. Work on the dress every spare moment you have today, especially between serving customers. Complete the dress 100% and you’ll have a diamond to show for your efforts.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 15
Level 16 – You’re Makin’ a Scene
Show off Angela’s skills by creating dresses right on time!
Today’s bonus challenge is a bit unique. You will need to continually make dresses throughout the day. A meter in the upper right corner will show how much time you have left to make a dress. Choose any of the designs on the sewing machine on the lower right. Completing the minigame to make the dress will reset the timer in the upper right corner. Carefully balance serving customers with sewing dresses. If things get too busy, those customers will just have to wait!
Level 17 – Thoughts in Order
Virginia could really use a friend right now. Let’s help her out!
Console Virginia throughout the day. Virginia is standing at the bottom of the stairs. Each time she becomes sad, the meter in the upper right corner will start ticking down. Click on Virginia to cheer her up! Each time you cheer Virginia up, the meter will reset, and remain still for a short period before ticking down again.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 17
Level 18 – The Breakthrough
Sebastian gives Angela a special assignment: make sure customers are as happy as they can be!
Don’t make customers like your service; make them love it! Serving a customer a full order quickly will make them ecstatic! These customers will wear their heart on their sleeves – quite literally! Check out fifteen customers with a heart to complete today’s challenge.
Level 19 – Going His Own Way
Another assignment from Sebastian: Angela needs to take her time and assist the special customer!
There’s a special guest in the shop today. The woman in the red dress will require Angela’s personal attention. Attend to the special customer each time the “!” bubble appears over her head. Assist her a total of six times today to earn a diamond for quality service.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 19
Level 20 – You’re On!
Put the finishing touches on Eva’s dress!
It’s time to finish Eva’s fabulous dress! Click on the dress on the banister marked with the “!” bubble at the start of the day. A meter will appear displaying Angela’s progress as she works on it. Complete the dress before the end of your shift and earn a diamond to match that sparkling gown!

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 20
Chapter 3 – Indian Store “Seven Days”
Level 21 – Ma’am Sunshine
Angela needs to get started on Priya’s dress! Can you find her supplies?
Find Angela’s supplies! There are five articles in total, with four left for you to find at the start of the day. Find all the supplies before the end of the day to complete today’s challenge. Their locations are shown below.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 21
Level 22 – A Mannequin’s Replacement
Helpful friends are a blessing. Make Jenny fit Priya’s dress!
Today you will be helping Jenny fit a dress as a bonus challenge. A bubble will pop up over her head when she requires Angela’s help. Click on Jenny to help her fit the dress. Do this a total of four time today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 22
Level 23 – Runaway Groom
Show Sebastian you’ve got what it takes. Check out five or more customers at once!
Earn fabulous combos by checking out five customers at once! Check out a group of five or more customers, a total of three time today to complete today’s challenge.
Level 24 – Authority Issues
Can’t Jenny just stand still for a second? Make sure she stands up straight!
Keep Jenny standing up straight today! Throughout the day, Jenny will need to keep her perfect pose. As soon as she falters, she’ll look insecure, and the countdown meter in the upper right corner will begin to wind down. Click on Jenny to straighten her out and reset the timer. Get through the day without the timer running out to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 24
Level 25 – Fraudulent Imitation
Jenny is keeping secrets again… Give her a call and see if she’ll spill the beans!
C’mon Jenny, you can trust Angela! After all, “angel” is in the name! Make Jenny spill the beans by giving her a call. Angela’s phone is in the upper right corner. Each time a “!” bubble appears over the phone, click on it before the green color drains from it. Call Jenny five times today to complete the bonus challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 25
Level 26 – Men Always Come Around?
Let’s help Angela finish Priya’s dress!
Today’s bonus challenge is to finish Priya’s dress. Priya’s dress is in the middle of the shop, marked with a “!” bubble. Click on the dress to begin working on it. A meter will appear over the dress displaying your progress. Finish the dress before the end of your shift to earn a diamond as beautiful as the gown.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 26
Level 27 – Momzilla
Sebastian’s teaching Angela how to dye veils. Time to practice!
Practice dye techniques by creating veils! Create ten veils for today’s bonus challenge. Click on the white veil fabric on the lower right, followed by a dye pot. Complete the minigame to create a veil – it’s that simple!
Tip! Running out of space? Click a veil in your inventory to remove it and create more space.
Level 28 – Sitting in the Rain
Sebastian is bringing in new supplies. Take his deliveries!
Sebastian is bringing in deliveries today. Once Sebastian shows up and a “!” bubble appears over his head, click on him to collect the supplies. Repeat this a total of 4 times today to complete today’s bonus challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 28
Level 29 – The Confession
Sebastian will show you how it’s done. Help your customers quickly!
Earn sixteen ‘quick!’ combos during your shift. Bring customers all the items they ask for within a handful of seconds of them ordering to earn a quick bonus.
Tip! If you’re struggling with today’s challenge, try keeping popular items as pre-made extras on your tray.
Level 30 – Rush Hour
Will everything be okay? Help Angela fix Priya’s dress!
Finish Priya’s dress! Priya’s dress is near the checkout register, marked with a “!” bubble at the start of the day. Click on the dress to get to work! A meter will appear displaying your progress. Complete the dress before the end of your shift to earn a diamond every bit as brilliant as the gown.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 30
Chapter 4 – Japanese Store “Elegance”
Level 31 – Give Them What They Need
Sebastian’s left the store in your hands. Set up the dresses to start the day!
Set up the special dress displays! The displays are in the upper left and right corners. Click on a display to begin assembly. Finish both displays before the end of your shift to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 31
Level 32 – New York’s Greatest
Make Yuki and Josh feel special by catering to their wishes!
Yuki and Josh are today’s VIP customers. Standing near the doorway, they will make multiple orders throughout the day. Serve them quickly before the green color drains from their order bubble. Bring them all six of the orders they make to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 32
Level 33 – How Hard Can It Be?
Can Kitty handle the responsibility? Maybe you can help!
Angela’s phone will ring throughout the day. Located on the left portion of the counter, answer the phone whenever a “!” appears. Answer Angela’s phone four times today to complete today’s task.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 33
Level 34 – Everything’s Fine
Yuki and Josh have very “clear” thoughts about the dress… Write them down!
Take notes, Angela! …No, really, that’s today’s challenge! Write down Angela’s notes by clicking on her notebook when the “!” bubble appears. Repeat this process five times today to complete the bonus challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 34
Level 35 – Some Like It Hot
Angela pulled an all-nighter… but the dress still needs work!
Today’s challenge is to continue working on the dress. The dress will be hanging on the left side of the counter. Click on it to begin work! A meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish your work on the dress before time’s up for the day to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 35
Level 36 – Legal Fashion Advice
Kitty, please… stop being such a workaholic! Make sure she doesn’t leave!
Don’t let Kitty escape to work! Kitty will start off the day near the doorway but will soon answer her phone and start to wander off. If you don’t click on her, she’ll leave! Click on Kitty to prevent her leaving. Repeat this for the entire day and you’ll earn a diamond for your unbreakable persistence.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 36
Level 37 – The Workaholic
Sebastian suspects the pink flower might be poisonous! Don’t give them to your customers!
Don’t serve or give out any products that include the pink flower today! Instead, serve all other products ordered. Orders will automatically complete when you bring all the items that don’t include the pink flower, so don’t worry about making customers angry. Instead, play it careful. If you can make it through the day without serving any pink flowers, you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.
Level 38 – Frankendress
Everything’s going wrong… Let’s call for help!
Angela needs help! Time to call in the reinforcements. Click on the phone marked by a “!” bubble to answer it. Repeat this process a total of five times today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 38
Level 39 – They’ll Be Here Soon
Yuki’s trying on the “dress”… Let’s help her get into it!
Help Yuki fit into her dress. Yuki will be in the right dressing booth today. Click on her whenever the prompt bubble appears to help her try on the gown. Repeat this a total of six times today to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 39
Level 40 – Learning How to Talk
Compromise is key! Inspiration strikes: let’s finish the dress!
Time to finish what you’ve started: Finish the dress today! Click on the dress marked by a “!” bubble at the end of the checkout counter. Once you’ve begun your work, a meter will appear displaying your progress. Complete the dress before the end of the day to earn a diamond.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 40
Chapter 5 – Beach Store “Nautical Bridal”
Level 41 – Romantic
This new store is so inspiring! Call Angela’s girlfriends and see what they think!
Angela’s on her phone again! Answer Angela’s phone every time it vibrates and the “!” bubble appears. Do this successfully three times today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 41
Level 42 – Finally in Agreement
New supplies coming in! Angela’s going to have to take those!
Receive the incoming packages. Click on the deliveryman when he appears along with the “!” bubble to collect a package. Collect all four packages before the end of your shift to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 42
Level 43 – Diligence and Delegation
The girls are taking care of most of the wedding arrangements. All Angela has to do is to order the flowers!
Answer the incoming calls when the phone vibrates and the “!” appears. Click on the phone to answer. Answer the phone six times today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 43
Level 44 – Going Her Own Way
Jenny and Kitty have left their tools scattered around. Help them find them!
Find Jenny and Kitty’s tools and bring them when asked. Throughout the day, Jenny and Kitty will show up and ask for specific tools. Locate the tool hidden in the store and bring it to them! The locations of the four tools are shown below.
Tip! Clicking on a tool will add it to your tray. If a tool is taking up space you need, click on the tool to remove it from your tray. The item will be returned to the place where you found it.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 44
Level 45 – No Time to Talk
With Kitty gone, Jenny can only turn to one person for help… Angela!
Help Jenny out! During your shift, Jenny will come into the shop looking panicked. Click on Jenny once the “!” bubble appears to reassure her. Support her five times today to earn a diamond – proof of your success and the strength of your friendship.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 45
Level 46 – Just the Four of Us
Customers are lazy today and don’t want to carry all their stuff. Give them products one at a time!
Bring customers the products they order one at a time. Be prepared to make a lot of trips! Remember, one at a time! If you can make it through the day only serving single items, you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.
Level 47 – Nothing To It
Murphy’s on the loose! Try to catch him before he breaks even more stuff!
Murphy is on the loose today! During your shift, Murphy will randomly run around the shop with a “!” bubble over his head. Click on Murphy before he runs off the screen! Click on Murphy four times today to complete today’s bonus challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 47
Level 48 – Really, Really Stupid
It’s crab season! Catch all the crabs!
Find ten crabs hidden around the store. Their locations are shown below.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 48
Level 49 – Weather Report
When it rains, it pours. This is a great opportunity to sell some umbrellas!
Every customer will want an umbrella today! The umbrella is located under the checkout counter. Bring an umbrella to every customer along with their order to complete today’s challenge.
Level 50 – The Storm
Save what you can! Sew a banner to show your support!
Sew a banner! Click on the sewing machine marked with the “!” bubble to work on the banner. Complete the minigame to sew the banner, then repeat! Sew ten sections total before the end of your shift to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 50
Chapter 6 – Sebastian’s VIP Floor
Level 51 – The New Path
Make enough customers leave the store happy!
Make every customer leave with a heart today. You’ll need to be on top of your game to complete today’s challenge. Serve full orders quickly, keeping any extra items you may need readily available on your tray. Once customers have been helped, don’t keep them waiting too long at the register! Instead, check out those customers with hearts and rake in the love.
Level 52 – What You Can Do
Angela is nervous about sharing bad news with Fran – keep her distracted by moving around!
Keep Angela on her toes and moving today. Don’t stay in one place for too long! A meter in the upper right corner will help you keep track of how long you’ve been standing still.
Tip! Keep Angela moving every moment you’re not helping customers. Alternate clicking on the dressing room on the left, and the seat outside the dressing room. By doing this, you can keep Angela moving without picking up any spare products.
Level 53 – The Replacement
Angela wants to apologize… Maybe we should write a postcard?
Write an apology postcard today. The postcard is lying next to the sewing machine. Click on the postcard when the “!” bubble appears to start writing. Have Angela write on the postcard five times today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 53
Level 54 – For Fran
Let’s fix one of the chairs for Fran’s new restaurant!
Make a new chair for Fran. The new chair is marked by a “!” next to the dressing room at the start of the day. Once you start work on the chair, a meter will appear displaying your progress. Complete the chair before the end of your shift to finish today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 54
Level 55 – The Brilliant Miss Garcia
Make sure you restock dresses often!
Keep all your dresses in stock today. A number will be next to each dress displaying the number of stock available. When stock runs low, use the sewing machine to make more dresses. Make it through the day without running out of stock or reaching zero, and you’ll earn a diamond.
Level 56 – Something to Destroy
Angela will have to mentally prepare for giving Fran some bad news…
Practice breaking the bad news in front of the dressing room mirror. Click on the mirror marked with a “!” bubble at the start of the day to practice. A meter will appear displaying Angela’s progress. Fill the bar and finish practicing before the end of your shift to complete the challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 56
Level 57 – I Can’t Do It
Never give up! Check out customers before time runs out!
Check out all the customers in time. A meter in the upper right corner will show how much time you have left. Check out a customer to refill the meter. If you can make it until the end of the day without the meter emptying completely, you’ll earn a diamond.
Level 58 – What’s Left of the Guitar
Help Angela fix Caroline’s guitar, together with her girlfriends!
Help Angela and her friends fix Caroline’s guitar. During your shift, Angela’s friends will enter with the broken guitar. Click on them when the “!” appears to work on repairs. Repeat this process a total of three times today to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 58
Level 59 – Elegant and Simple
All that’s left is Caroline’s wedding dress. Angela’s starting from scratch, so it’s gonna be close!
Complete Caroline’s wedding dress. The dress is located between the two shop designs and marked with a “!” bubble at the start of the day. Click on the dress to begin work. A meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish the dress before the end of the day to complete today’s challenge.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Level 59
Level 60 – The Wedding
Sebastian is getting on a bit. Make sure he walks no more than 700 meters!
Keep it efficient and walk less than 700 meters today. A meter in the upper right corner will keep track of your progress. Compare the amount on your meter with the time left on the shift clock. Minimize your trips around the shop and help customers in waves, checking them out in groups.
Congratulations! You’ve completed Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition!
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Bonus Levels
Show just how fabulous you are by completing the game’s 24 bonus levels. Bonus levels will be unlocked as you progress through the story. Complete bonus levels to earn additional diamonds. This section covers every bonus level, goals, and tips and tricks on how to complete them.
Chapter 1 – Sebastian’s Store “Worth’s”
Bonus Level 1
Can someone please fix that sewing machine? It keeps breaking down!
The sewing machine will break down periodically throughout the day. When this happens, a “!” bubble will appear over it. You won’t be able to sew any new dresses until it’s fixed. Make it through the day with the malfunctioning machinery to complete the bonus level.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 1 Bonus 1
Bonus Level 2
Sebastian likes his store clean! You’ll only earn points by cleaning multiple spots in a row!
You’ll only earn points today by cleaning multiple spots in a row. Wait for at least two “!” bubbles to appear over dirty stations before you start cleaning them.
Bonus Level 3
Show off your efficiency! Checking out multiple customers at once is the only way to gain points!
Only by checking out multiple customers at once will you be able to gain points. Try to have at least 4-5 customers waiting at the register before you check them out. But be careful not to keep them waiting too long! Lower happiness means lower scores.
Bonus Level 4
Customers want to browse a magazine before they order!
Customers will want to look at magazines before ordering. The magazine is located on the right, beneath the checkout monitor. You may want to keep an extra magazine or two on your tray during this level to help speed things along.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 1 Bonus 4
Chapter 2 – Rural Store “Farmhearts”
Bonus Level 1
The path is blocked! Taking the stairs takes even longer than usual.
The stairs are blocked by haystacks today, making every extra trip a hassle. Try to only go up the stairs sparingly – it will take Angela extra time! Be prepared with any extra orders or items that may help you keep things more efficient today.
Bonus Level 2
The plans will need water before they can grow!
Plants will need water before they can grow. The watering can is at the bottom of the screen, next to the dress designs. Plants that need watering will display the watering can icon in the bubble above them. Bring the watering can to the plant and water it to allow it to grow. You will not be able to restock the flowers until the plants have grown.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 2 Bonus 2
Bonus Level 3
There’s been a shoot-out in the saloon! Yeehaw! Customers need their clothes fixed before they’ll buy anything.
Every customer will need their clothes mended before they’ll order today. Get ready for lots of minigames! A customer with an icon of Angela over their head will require her assistance. Click on them and complete the minigame to prompt them to order.
Bonus Level 4
The doors are broken! You need to let customers in yourself!
Uh-oh, the doors are stuck! You will need to click on the green saloon doors to let each customer in. A “!” bubble will appear over the doors when a customer is waiting outside. You will need to click on the doors once per customer entering to let them in to shop.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 2 Bonus 4
Chapter 3 – Indian Store “Seven Days”
Bonus Level 1
Rani and Priya are on a shopping spree! Serve them orders throughout the day.
Rani and Priya are in the private booth today. Both ladies will order multiple items, multiple times throughout the day. Pay close attention to these two and don’t keep them waiting too long! You may want to keep an extra dress on your tray, just in case.
Bonus Level 2
The sewing machine broke again! Luckily, Sebastian is here to help.
The sewing machine is broken today. Instead of sewing dresses, Sebastian will do the restocking. Each time you need another dress added to the stock, click on Sebastian. Sebastian will walk off-screen and be gone for several moments until he comes back with the dress you asked for. Keep in mind restocking will take extra time today.

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 3 Bonus 2
Bonus Level 3
This batch of dye’s gone bad! Luckily, Sebastian is there to help you out.
Sebastian will be the one dying the veils today. Click on the veil cloth and a dye pot to dye a new veil. This frees up Angela’s hands, though Sebastian takes longer to dye the veils than Angela, so plan accordingly.
Bonus Level 4
Uh-oh… Rani talked to her friends, and they all seem so angry!
Everyone will enter the shop angry today. It’s more important than ever to serve customers and serve them fast! Restock dresses and veils as time allows, but place emphasis on serving angry customers. Serve them quickly enough, and you’ll improve their moon and obtain higher scores.
Chapter 4 – Japanese Store “Elegance”
Bonus Level 1
Serving customers quickly will be the only way to get points!
Only orders delivered quickly will earn points today. Serve a customer all the items they ask for within a handful of seconds of them ordering to earn a quick bonus. Depending on which items are popular today, you may want to use an extra spot on your tray to have far away items readily available for those quick bonuses.
Bonus Level 2
The local Zen training was a success – everyone is super fast and efficient today!
Today is just like any other day… If you sped it up 3x fast! Everyone moves like greased lightning today. Don’t let the speed daunt you. Keep your cool and serve customers as you would normally to pass the level with ease.
Bonus Level 3
Flowers grow a lot slower today. Stock up when you can!
Flowers take much longer to grow today, so stock up on them every chance you get! Start by restocking both flowers at the very start of the day. Keep an eye on those lily pads and restock again as soon as the flowers appear. Repeat this throughout the day to prevent running out of stock!
Bonus Level 4
Something, or someone, broken the counter and dressing booth! There’s less room for customers now.
There’s only one mat at the checkout counter today, making checkout bonuses trickier to earn. Don’t let customers back up too much. If customers who haven’t ordered yet are lined up behind customers ready to pay, check out the paying customers as soon as possible in order to tend to those next in line.
Chapter 5 – Beach Store “Nautical Bridal”
Bonus Level 1
A small crack has appeared in the floor… Sebastian’s blocked off the unsafe parts, but be careful!
Be careful on the glass floor! Angela will need to be careful to avoid the hazards, meaning everywhere you go will take much longer today. Try to serve customers in waves and keep items stocked to play this level most efficiently.
Bonus Level 2
The diver’s had a long night… He’s gonna need more time to find shells!
The diver will take longer to find shells today. Click on the diver at the very start of the day to start him off restocking as soon as possible. Repeat every time the diver returns to keep those popular shells in stock.
Bonus Level 3
Sebastian wants to see how efficient you are. Every restockable product can only be stocked halfway today!
Every restockable product will only carry half-stock today. Work with less products and restock more often to keep up with customer demand.
Bonus Level 4
It’s a rainy day out, and not many customers will come in. Manage them wisely!
There’s less customers to work with today, which means you’ll need to be more careful. Make sure to serve each and every customer quickly as soon as they come in. Don’t keep them waiting too long, especially at the register. Sometimes checking out a customer when they’re happier is better for your score than checking out multiple people at once.
Chapter 6 – Sebastian’s VIP Floor
Bonus Level 1
Focus on keeping your customers happy – you’ll only get points based on how happy they are!
Keep customers happy today. Only happy customers will give you points, so don’t get too carried away with those combos! Serve customers full orders quickly to improve their mood and keep them happy.
Bonus Level 2
Customers are acting up, and will lose their patience more quickly!
Customers have a lot less patience today, so it’s important not to keep them waiting too long. Be especially careful at the register. It’s better to check out single customers or small groups than to wait for a large group to check out all at once.
Bonus Level 3
Dresses are on SALE! Every customer wants a dress!
Every customer wants a dress today, so keep those dresses stocked! Place priority on making and stocking dresses, making sure you have a good supply of each. Restock as soon as you’ve brought customers the dresses they’ve asked for to stay ahead of the game.
Bonus Level 4
All these people won a special contest – they get everything for free… Now only bonuses will give you points!
Only bonuses will bring in points during this bonus level! Serve customers full orders, help them quickly, complete minigames fast and serve customers back-to-back to earn bonus points. You can also earn bonus points by checking out multiple people at the register at once.
Congratulations! You’ve completed all the bonus levels!
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Mouse Locations
There is a total of 84 hidden mice to be found in Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition. Mice can be found in both story and challenge levels. The following section reveals the location of every mouse per chapter. Mice found in bonus levels have a “b” before the level number.
Chapter 1 – Sebastian’s Store “Worth’s”

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 1 Mice Locations
Chapter 2 – Rural Store “Farmhearts”

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 2 Mice Locations
Chapter 3 – Indian Store “Seven Days”

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 3 Mice Locations
Chapter 4 – Japanese Store “Elegance”

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 4 Mice Locations
Chapter 5 – Beach Store “Nautical Bridal”

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 5 Mice Locations
Chapter 6 – Sebastian’s VIP Floor

Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition – Chapter 6 Mice Locations
Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Trophies
Show off your achievements with 18 unlockable trophies. Trophies and achievements can be viewed by clicking the trophy icon in the upper right corner of the level select map.
Trophy Name | Description | How to Unlock |
Fabulous Flamingo’s | Complete the first level. | Finish Level 1 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Crimson Costume | Complete the first chapter. | Finish story levels 1 – 10 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Fuzzy Feather | Complete the second chapter. | Finish story levels 11 – 20 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Flowery Finery | Complete the third chapter. | Finish story levels 21 – 30 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Pretty Petals | Complete the fourth chapter. | Finish story levels 31 – 40 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Tiding Textile | Complete the fifth chapter. | Finish story levels 41 – 50 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Arctic Apparel | Complete the sixth chapter. | Finish story levels 51 – 60 with a minimum of 1 star. |
Colorful Copies | Find 50 mice anywhere in the game. | Find a total of 50 mice from any combination of levels. |
Superb Shoes | Serve 100 customers with a heart. | Check out 100 ecstatic customers at the register. |
Fancy Feather | Buy all the upgrades in the game. | Buy all the upgrades available in all 6 chapter stores. |
Glowing Garment | Get three stars in every level. | Earn 3 stars in each of the game’s story levels 1 – 60. Excludes bonus levels. |
Beautiful Bouquet | Collect 150 diamonds. | Earn 150 total diamonds by completing bonus levels, story level events, and endless challenges. Earn additional diamonds through coin purchase and social features. |
Fragrant Flowers | Make 20 ‘Fabulous’ combos. | Check out 5 or more people at the register a total of 20 times. |
Random Ribbons | Play an endless level. | Play an endless level and earn 1 diamond to unlock this achievement. |
Animal Arrangement | Complete 50 minigames. | Complete 50 minigames successfully across all levels. |
Earnest Earnings | Create 500 products. | Place a total of 500 products on your tray. Applies to all levels. |
Radiant Raiment | Take 3 pictures of your model, wearing different outfits. | Take 3 pictures of your model wearing at least 1 different item in each picture. |
Sensible Suit | Buy a diamond with coins. | Select the + next to the diamond icon at the top of the level select map. Use 300 coins to purchase a diamond. |
The Fabulous – Angela’s Wedding Disaster Collector’s Edition Official Walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.
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