Farm Mystery - The Happy Orchard Nightmare
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Farm Mystery - The Happy Orchard Nightmare

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Windows 10Windows 7Windows 8Windows 8.1

Where are the townspeople going? Discover the origin of these supernatural disappearances down on the farm in Farm Mystery - The Happy Orchard Nightmare.

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Discover the origin of supernatural disappearances in Farm Mystery - The Happy Orchard Nightmare.

The night mists mask what's really going on as the residents of the local town disappear in Farm Mystery - The Happy Orchard Nightmare. Explore to find out what's happening as you search for objects, collect particularly useful items, and puzzle your way through mini-games. If you've always been fascinated by haunted houses, then this game is for you!
  • discover what happens to the locals in this supernatural challenge
  • explore numerous chilling adventures
  • find hidden objects in unique scenes
  • collect bonus coins to stay ready for action and power-ups